Stake $BNRY
A step-by-step guide on how to stake your $BNRY tokens using our $BNRY website.
Step 1: Choose a Wallet
To stake your BNRY tokens, connect to your existing wallet or create a new one using the GET option provided by one of the following providers:
Make sure your wallet has BNRY tokens to perform the stake operation. Use Uniswap or MEXC Exchange to obtain more tokens.
Step 2: Add Optimistic Network
Connect to your wallet (Metamask for example) and click on Add Network
Choose OP Mainnet and click Approve
Step 3: Add BNRY Token
Token Address: 0xB5090D514BcacA7daFB7E52763658844121f346d
Switch to OP Mainnet and click on Import tokens to enter the token address
Step 4: Stake BNRY
Connect your Wallet, go to the $BNRY website and click Stake Now to begin.
Upon clicking on the “Stake now” button, a pop-up will appear where you can then enter the desired $BNRY value to stake. Once you have entered your value, click "Approve Staking".
Upon connecting your wallet, you will receive confirmation and a signer request on to approve the transaction. Please ensure that you have enough gas fee to perform the transaction.
After your transaction is approved on Wallet, you will receive a confirmation popup on the $BNRY website to complete staking.
You will then receive a confirmation request on your wallet to confirm the transaction.
After confirming your transaction on your Wallet, you will be redirected to $BNRY website where you will receive a success message and your stakes will be updated instantly on the webpage
Watch this video tutorial:
Last updated